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Reports & Data Overview
Reports & Data Overview

Utilize brightwheel reports for internal use or compliance. See an example of each report so that you find the best report for your needs.

Audrey avatar
Written by Audrey
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Brightwheel has been known to save teachers up to 5 hours a week. The key to this saved time is our Reporting feature. Review the available options below to learn more.

Available Reports

Brightwheel is actively building out our reporting functionality! In the past year we have drastically increased the number of reports available. We offer in-browser reports for all of the activities listed below, most of which can be printed or exported as a CSV (spreadsheet) file.  

Open the sections below to learn more about the specific reports.

Attendance Reports

  • Absences Report - View a detailed breakdown of student absences across a date range. Includes absent times, absent reason, and more.

  • Check-in - View detailed check in and out records, including who signed a student in or out, total hours checked in, signatures and more. In addition, view who edited attendance records by exporting the attendance audit logs.

  • Daily Attendance Summary - Determine how many days a student was present in a selected 32-day date range. Filter by student status and room assignment.

  • Full-Time Equivalent - Easily view daily, weekly, or monthly Full Time Equivalent (FTE) totals for each room to determine how many full time students are scheduled for future dates.

  • Hours present summary - View the total number of hours and days students were present at a program or in a specific room.

  • Ratio - View historical staff and student count and the associated student:staff ratio by room, with the option of 15-min, 30-min or 1-hr intervals.

  • Room Check - Easily check real-time student:staff ratios for all of your classrooms online and in the brightwheel app.

  • Subsidy attendance - Review student attendance and signatures, with the ability to request guardians review and sign off on a week's worth of attendance.

  • Weekly attendance - View weekly student attendance data showing only the first and last check-in/out record for the day alongside schedules, birthdays, and check-in signatures.

Billing Reports

  • Aging - Run a report by Student, Classroom, or Status that tracks past due payments.

  • Deposits - A report of all deposits made to your account.

  • Payments & Credits - Export details on all student payments and credits, with the option to view total payments amounts per family or payer.

  • Summary - View a high-level view of all charges, credits, and payments recorded, showing cumulative transaction totals.

  • Charges - Easily review charges across billing plans, with easy filtering and grouping options by student and charge category.

  • Revenue - Review earnings, billed and paid amounts by charge category for a specific period.

  • Transactions - Pull a detailed report or a high-level summary for taxes.

  • Bill Plans* - Export an overview of all student billing plans & details.

Enrollment Reports

  • Program waitlists - View Waitlist data by program. Includes student names, desired start dates, ages, and more.

  • Program enrollment - View enrollment data for programs, including capacity, count of active and enrollment students, percentage filled and open spots.

  • Room enrollment - VIew enrollment data in rooms, including capacity, count of active and enrolled students, percentage filled, and open spots.

Meals & CACFP Reports

  • CACFP meal summary - View a summary of the number of meals served and claimed for CACFP, including a breakdown by students with each type of meal (free, reduced or paid) and type of meal.

  • CACFP daily claimed meals - View total counts and breakdowns of claimable CACFP meals served per day per meal type.

  • Daily served meals - View school level totals and detailed information on the type of meals, meal status (free, reduced, or paid), and food served per student.

  • Menu* - View weekly created menus including food items, USDA food category, quantity, and the unit of measure

Expense Tracking

  • Profit & loss - View a summary of total business expenses and income.

Staff Reports

  • Payroll - Quickly run & export the total hours worked for staff members in a date range. Use these reports with your third-party payroll systems!

  • Timecards - View or export staff timecards for any date or date ranges. Can be used with your third-party payroll systems!

  • Time Off* - View a summary of upcoming and historical staff time off.

  • Staff professional development - Generate a report on total staff professional development hours & trainings.

  • Staff details - View detailed staff profile information such as email, allergies, emergency contacts, hire date, etc.

Student Reports

  • Activity - View activities logged by teachers and filter by classroom or view and print a daily report of activities logged across all classrooms.

  • Age - Generate reports for student ages and filter by status, room, and age range.

  • Allergy - This report exposes allergies of students and allows you to filter students based on their current rooms and enrollment status.

  • Attachments - Easily track staff or students that have upcoming or overdue renewal dates for certifications and records.

  • Contacts - Quickly pull contacts or view missing information for parents, family, approved pickups, and emergency contacts by individual students.

  • Form submission status - View the status of form submissions for students.

  • Immunization Records - Easily see and print immunization records of your students. View and print all immunizations by school, room or student.

  • Immunizations Due/Overdue - Uses the CDC schedule and information about immunizations from each student profile to calculate which shots are upcoming and overdue.

  • Learning - Easily view and export a summary of student learning progress by state learning standard based on logged observations.

  • Medications - This report exposes medications of students and allows you to filter students based on their current rooms and enrollment status.

  • Roster Export* - Easily export student roster data including names, birthdays, room assignments, student contacts, addresses, and more!

  • Student emergency information - Print student information needed for emergencies.

  • Student details - View select student profile information for all students.

Reports marked with an asterisk (*) are not located under the Reporting tab, but are available elsewhere in brightwheel.

Other Reports for Download

Most data under 'Other' can be exported and found in other reports, but there are a handful of reports available only for download. You can download a report for a particular activity type and filter by date range and room.

Providers can download reports on student & staff data, including Check-ins, Student & Staff Health Checks, Custom Activities, Incidents, Kudos, Meals, Name to Face, Naps, Potty, Medications, Notes, and Roster Export.

Follow these steps to send yourself a CSV of each of our available reports:

  1. Click the Reporting tab on the left side menu on the web

  2. Click Reports

  3. Choose Downloads under the Other reports section

  4. Select the Type of Activity

  5. Select the date range

  6. Select the Room or All

  7. Enter the email that you wish to send the report

  8. Click Submit

Build Custom Reports

With brightwheel's powerful Custom Report Builder, it allows administrators to pull data from different areas within your brightwheel account, including Activities, Attendance, Billing Revenue & Aging data, Profiles, and Schedules, and offers flexibility to organize that data in a way that best fits your program. Review our Custom Reports Help Center article for more details.

Tips For Reports

  • To view a particular student: Sort by students on the excel spreadsheet.

  • If you notice #####, please expand the width of the columns.

  • Didn't receive your report?  Search your inbox for and double check your spam folder.

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