The Check-in Report provides detailed information on student attendance check-in/out records. Utilize this report to track the number of hours and days a student was present along with a total count of students present. This report includes the applicable room, check-in time, check-out time, signature in/out, and total hours checked in.
Admins and Managers will also have the ability to view and correct attendance errors in this report including adding missing check-outs or adding a past attendance record if a child was not checked in or out at all.
ℹ️ While Lead Staff and Staff can view the Check-in Report from their brightwheel account on the web, only Admins and Managers will have access to edit/correct attendance records or add historical records from this report.
View Report
Log in on the web
Click on the Reporting page and select Reports
Click the Attendance tab or use the search bar to locate the Check-in report
Click to open the report
Apply filters as needed
Set the Date range, ensuring the start date is before the end date
Select the appropriate Room or leave All selected (by default)
Select a specific Student, Student status, Subsidy Status, and choose whether or not to Include absences
💡 Subsidy Status is set in a student's profile under Financial Details!Use the “Show Signatures” toggle to view digital signatures if enabled
Click Apply to view filtered results
💡 This report will only pull data for 6 months at a time. If needing data for longer than 6 months, the report will need to be run multiple times.
Export Report
There are a few options to export the Check-In Report and get a spreadsheet of this data. Optionally, admins can choose to export a spreadsheet of attendance audit logs to see who edited attendance records. This is great for licensing needs and allows admins to email the report directly to state licensing agents.
Email an export:
Click the Export button in the top right corner
Use the checkboxes to select which detailed columns should be included in the export
Select which Admins should receive the report using the checkbox, or type in a new email address and use the Add button
[Optional] Check the "Include Attendance audit logs" box to get a separate spreadsheet emailed to all selected recipients with the attendance audit logs
Click the Email to button
Download an export:
Click the Export button in the top right corner
Use the checkboxes to select which detailed columns should be included in the export
[Optional] Check the "Include Attendance audit logs" box to get a separate spreadsheet downloaded with the attendance audit logs
Click Download to download the export right in the browser being used
Print an export:
Click the Print button in the top right corner
Adjust your print settings as needed based on your device
Correct Attendance Errors
When running the Check-in Report, you might see a red banner alerting you that some students are missing attendance data or there are some attendance errors in the given date range. The report will flag the following errors:
A student was checked in but is missing a check-out
A student was checked out but was never checked in (which can happen if the check-in record was deleted)
A student who was checked in and marked absent on the same day
A student who has an attendance record spanning more than 24 hours
A student who has overlapping attendance records
If you have any of the above attendance errors, you can easily correct them from within the Check-in Report.
Follow the steps above to create a report filtered for your needs
Tap Review in the upper right corner of the red banner, or tap Get started in a blue banner if you have no attendance errors in the specific date range
Once on the editing page, review all the students who need corrections to their attendance records
[Optional] Use the the "Show only attendances with data issues" toggle or "Group rows by student" toggle to filter/sort your data
Update, or add any missing dates, check-in times or check-out times by clicking on the applicable box
Hit Update next to a record to save the edits
To delete a record, hit Actions > Delete next to the applicable record
Add Historical Attendance Record
If you have a child who was not checked in/out or marked absent on a specific day, you can use the Check-In Report to add that past attendance record.
Follow the steps above to create a report filtered for your needs
Tap Review in the upper right corner of the red banner, or tap Get started in a blue banner if you have no attendance errors in the specific date range
Select +Add attendance/absence in the upper right corner of the editing page
In the pop-up box, type in the student’s name to have their name auto-populate in the box
Complete the remaining fields to enter the room, date, check-in time, and check-out time.
💡You can also use the Mark Absent toggle to add a past absence for a child!
Hit Save to submit the attendance record
Learn about Custom Attendance Reporting ↓
Learn about Custom Attendance Reporting ↓
With brightwheel's powerful Custom Report Builder, it allows administrators to pull attendance data within your brightwheel account and offers flexibility to organize that data in a way that best fits your program.
Custom attendance data allow admins to track total attendance hours for each student across large date ranges, combine student profile fields with attendance exports, and more!
Review our Custom Reports resource for more details.
💡 Only student attendance data is included in Custom Reports. Staff attendance data can be accessed via the Timecards Report.