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Custom Reports

[For Admins] Use brightwheel's unique Custom Reports feature to create your own reports with the data your program needs

Audrey avatar
Written by Audrey
Updated over 6 months ago

brightwheel's powerful Custom Reports allows administrators to pull data from different areas within your brightwheel account and gives you the flexibility to organize that data in a way that best meets the needs of your program. At this time only Administrators will be able to access Custom Reports.

From insight into the daily operations of your program to reports required by your licensing agency, Custom Reports allows you to include the information you need, organized in a way that works for you.

ℹ️ The Manager and Billing Only role will not have access to Custom Reports.

Getting Started

When utilizing Custom Reports, it’s important to know what data needs to be pulled before beginning to build the report (E.g. Total number of activities logged in each room for the year).

As different parameters are selected the data will be added as a new column to the report. Columns can be rearranged at anytime and parameters can be removed.

Within each parameter, a drop down of the different available data will appear from categories such as billing, schedules, attendance, activities, contacts, home rooms, staff, and student profiles. The report can be refined by filtering for total counts, date ranges, and specific key-words!

Report Parameters

The Report Builder is a flexible tool that can meet a wide variety of reporting needs. There are several parameters that can be applied to help hone down the results that will populate within a custom report.

You can choose from different parameters to pull the data you need:

  • Data Source: broad category of data you’ll pull from including Attendance, Billing Aging, Billing Revenue, Schedules, Profiles, and Activities

  • Fields descriptive information stored within brightwheel. Names, labels, categories, and types are all examples of selectable dimensions.

  • Numbers: numerical values calculated from information logged within brightwheel. Student counts and Room counts are examples of selectable metrics

  • Date Range: the date range for which results will be populated (E.g. Day, Month, Quarter, Year)

  • Filters: apply more granular filters for which results are included in the report (E.g. filtering to only show students with a Status equal to "Active”)

Each parameter has a drop-down menu of different data points that can be selected to add to the report. Multiple dimensions and metrics can be included within a single report.

ℹ️ Additional details for Attendance and Schedule data:

  • Attendance data before 2020 will not populate.

  • Attendance and Schedule data is refreshed every hour for the past 60 days worth of data. This means recent edits, or additions won't immediately reflect in the report and data older than 60 days won't appear. Updates to activities and profile data are updated in real time.

  • Schedule data will only show current and past dates, NOT future dates.

Pre-Built Reports

Looking for an easy way to get started with brightwheel's Custom Reports? Start with one of our Pre-Built Reports from the Custom Reports tab.

Choose from a Student Roster, an Upcoming Birthdays report, or an Activity Summary. Once you've opened the pre-built report, use it as-is or reconfigure the parameters to customize the report to your needs.

Build Custom Reports

To create your own reports, review the Data Source, Fields and Numbers options to determine which selections will be relevant for the report you need. As parameters are applied, results will be populated into the report in real time.

  1. Log into brightwheel on the web, and navigate to the Reporting tab

    • Multi-site Administrators wishing to run multiple location custom reports can click the Workspace tile in the bottom left corner > click Organization > Custom Reports and follow the remaining steps below:

  2. Select Custom Reports

  3. Select the Data Source from the dropdown menu: Activities, Attendance, Billing Aging, Billing Revenue, Profiles, Student Schedules

  4. Use the +Add buttons to select, or search for one or multiple Fields and Numbers

  5. Set the desired Date Range and optional time grouping
    Please note: Select w/o grouping if you do not wish to group the data by a specific time measurement and instead show totals

  6. Optionally, apply a Filter to include or exclude certain data points
    💡 To only view data only for active students, filter by "Student - Status", "equals", and type "Active"
    💡 Multi-site Administrators wishing to run multiple location reports can filter by "School - Name," "equals," and type school name to view select locations

  7. Use the grid to the left of each parameter to re-order the columns by dragging and dropping

  8. Optionally, select the Sort by option at the top of the page to sort data in ascending, or descending order

  9. Click Export to download the report as a CSV file

  10. Optionally, click Save Report to save the selected parameters for later

Once you're finished, or if you need to start over, click the Clear All button underneath the parameter list.

🚩If you select multiple fields that don't make sense together an error message may appear. Click X to remove any unrelated data points.

Save Custom Report

After creating a Custom Report, you can save and edit the parameters you selected for later viewing.

To save a report

  1. Log into brightwheel on the web, and navigate to the Reporting tab

  2. Select Custom Reports

  3. Build the report by selecting the desired parameters

  4. Click Save Report

  5. Add a report Name and optional Description

  6. Click Save

💡Saved reports are only viewable by the admin that created the report. To share report parameters with another administrator, copy and paste the URL to the report in the other user's brightwheel account.

To view, edit, or delete existing saved reports

  1. Log into brightwheel on the web, and navigate to the Reporting tab

  2. Select Custom Reports

  3. Select Saved Reports tab

  4. From the list of saved reports click on the name of the saved report that you wish to view, edit, or delete

  5. To edit the parameters selected in a saved report and save the changes over the existing saved report, click Save Report > Save option

  6. To save the changes as a new report, click Save Report > Save as option and give the new report a name and optional description.

  7. Optionally, select the trashcan icon next to any report to delete

Custom Report Examples

If you're unsure how to leverage the Custom Report to pull the data you need, below we've listed key fields and examples for pulling data. While this not an exhaustive list, it can help you get started using this powerful tool!

Activity Data

Standard activity data such as activity type, name and dates are available, in addition to other key fields:

  • Date an activity was edited,or updated

  • Total activity count

  • Total student count

  • Activity notes

  • Activity day of the week

Below are examples of customized activity reports:

  • How many total incidents were logged last year

  • How many activities did staff log on Monday

  • Which incident activity notes contained the word "Injury"

Attendance Data

Standard attendance data such as check-in/out times and dates are available, in addition to other key fields:

  • Total count of check-in/out & absences logged

  • Total attendance hours

  • Absent reasons

Below are examples of customized attendance data programs can pull within a specific date & time range (E.g. Hour, Day, Month, Quarter, Year):

  • How many students were absent for a specific reason

  • How many hours was a student present

  • How many students were marked absent

  • Which students were checked in for greater than, less than, or equal to __ hours

Student Profile Data

The same data included in the premade Roster Export and a few other reports can be pulled in a Custom Report, in addition to other key fields:

  • Age in month & years

  • Birth month & year

  • Immunization exempt status

  • Date a student profile was created

  • Total Student count

  • Names in alphabetical order

Below are examples of customized profile reports:

  • How many students are of a specific gender, ethnicity, race, age, etc.

  • Which students have birthdays each month

  • Total count of student who receive subsidies

  • Which students have siblings attending

  • Which students have a desired start date before January 1st

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