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CACFP daily claimed meals Report
CACFP daily claimed meals Report

[Admins + Managers] View total counts of claimable CACFP meals served per day per meal type.

Audrey avatar
Written by Audrey
Updated over a month ago

Maintaining compliance with Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), which reimburses healthful meals and snacks for children, has never been easier!

Brightwheel's CACFP daily claimed meals Report makes it easy for Providers to view an accurate count of claimed meals for CACFP reimbursement. Providers can view detailed information on claimable meals broken down by meal type.

Create a CACFP daily claimed meals Report

This report is helpful for providers who only want to see CACFP claimable meals. Providers can still pull data on all meals served with the Daily served meals Report.

  1. Log in to your account on the web

  2. Click to open the Reporting page

  3. Click the Meals & CACFP tab and select the CACFP daily claimed meals report

  4. Use the available filters as needed: Date range, Room, Meal Status
    💡 The Date range cannot exceed six month!

  5. Click Apply

  6. Click Export

  7. Click Download, or Send to Person to email it

ℹ️ The exported report will show Total days with attendance and Total student in attendance for the selected date range to assist with attendance reporting:

  • Total days with attendance is the total number of days that a program had attendance records for, regardless of if the student(s) in attendance had food

  • Total student in attendance is the total number of students that have a attendance record, regardless of if the student(s) in attendance had meals logged

What counts as a "Claimed" meal?

The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) has specific requirements for how many meals and snacks can be claimed per student, per day, per meal type. On the CACFP daily claimed meals Report, meals will count as "Claimed" in brightwheel if they meet the requirements below:

  • A maximum of one meal type per day per student

    • E.g. If a student is served multiple of the same meal type in a day (E.g. 3 breakfasts, 2 PM snacks) a maximum of one instance of that meal type will be counted as claimed for that day

  • A maximum daily meal count of two meals and one snack per day per student (or two snacks and one meal per day per student)

    • E.g. If no snacks are logged in a day, a maximum of two main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) will count as claimed for that day with priority given to lunch and dinner before breakfast

    • E.g. If snacks and main meals are served in a day, a maximum of two main meals and one snack served (or two snacks and one main meal) will count as claimed for that day

🚩"Claimed" meals in brightwheel do not take into consideration CACFP nutritional requirements. Providers will need to ensure the food served meets CACFP nutritional requirements.

Additional "Claimed" meal examples

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