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Meal & Meal Detail Report

[For Admins & Managers] View total meals served, a breakdown of each type of meal (free, reduced or paid) and details on the food served.

Sabrina avatar
Written by Sabrina
Updated over 8 months ago

Brightwheel's Meal reporting can collect food data and ensure compliance with the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), which reimburses healthful meals and snacks for children and adults.

Use the Meal Report for an overview of meals served at a program and the Meal Detail report for a detailed look at meals served at the school or individual student level.

Create a Meal Report

  1. Log in to your account on the web

  2. Click to open the Reporting page

  3. Click the Meals & CACFP tab and select the Meal report

  4. Use the available filters as needed: Room, Student status, Dates

  5. Click Apply

    1. Click Export Summary for totals counts of all meals

    2. Click Export Records for a list of each meal activity logged with details

  6. Input an email address the summary or records should be sent to and click Send

Create a Meal Detail Report

  1. Log in to your account on the web

  2. Click to open the Reporting page

  3. Under 'Student reports', select Meal Detail

  4. Select a Date range

  5. Optionally, filter by Room, or Meal Status

  6. Click Apply

  7. Click Grand Total to view total meal counts

  8. Click Export to download or send report to a specific email

    1. Check the Student Details box to view the food item served per child

    2. Uncheck the Student Details box to view meal count totals

Custom Meal Report

With brightwheel's powerful Custom Report Builder, admins can pull student Food Plan Type data and offers flexibility to organize that data in a way that best fits the provider. Review our Custom Reports Help Center resource for more details.


Are bottles logged counted in the Meal Reports?

Yes! When logging a bottle, you will select a meal type such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, etc. The bottle will count toward that selected meal type when running the Meal Report. Any bottles logged without a meal type will show as not_specified on the Meal Report.

Why does my meal report show some records as not_specified?

Food activity for the student must have been recorded with the meal type entered, such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, etc. Otherwise, this meal type will show as not_specified on the Meal Report.

Why don't the total numbers on the meal summary match the number of meals shown on the detailed report?

Meals are only recorded in exported meal records if the student was checked into the room where the meal was provided. If not, the meal won't appear in the detailed exported records. If you are missing meals on the exported summary report, use the Meal Report as the source of truth to view all meals logged regardless of attendance.

The exported meal summary includes all meals logged, regardless of check-in status. If a student is missing a check-in record for the room a meal was logged, it will appear in the summary but not in the detailed records, which most likely can explain the difference.

To adjust the exported meal records, ensure all students have check-in events for the days and rooms where meals were logged. Use the Check-in Report and download the Meal Report to compare and identify check-in discrepancies.

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