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Bill Plans Report

[For Admin + Managers] View, export and print student bill plans!

Audrey avatar
Written by Audrey
Updated over a week ago

Brightwheel's Bill Plans Report offers providers a overview of all student billing plans & details across their program, making it easier than ever to understand the frequencies of charges and how families are billed!

Once the report is downloaded, even more fields become available such as plan statuses (active/paused/deactivated), last due date, charge descriptions & notes, total number of plans, total number of recurring charges, and more!

Create a Bill Plans Report

  1. Navigate to the Billing page in your account on the web

  2. Click to open Students and select Student Plans

  3. Optionally, filter the report by Enrollment status, Room, Frequency and Plan status. These filters determine how the exported report appears.
    💡Filter the Plan status for None to view deactivated plans

  4. Click Export, or Print

  5. Click Download, or Email to Person

Available fields

Once downloaded the following fields will be visible.

  • Name

  • Next send date

  • Next due date

  • Last due date

  • Number of recurring charges on a plan

  • Number of Charge Discounts

  • Original Amount of Plan Charges

  • Discounted Amount of Plan Charges

  • Final Amount of Plan Charges

  • Charge(s) description

  • Charge Categories

  • Charge Notes

  • Charge Discount(s) description

  • Payers

  • Plan Templates

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