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Student Reports
Activity Report[For all Staff] View logged activities and print or send the activity report to guardians directly when needed
Age Report[All Staff] Retrieve student birthday data, filter by age range, and calculate future ages for specific dates.
Allergy Report[All Staff] Export a student allergy list, with filtering options for current rooms and enrollment status.
Attachments Report[For Admins + Managers] Easily track staff or students that have upcoming, expiring, or overdue renewal dates for certifications & records.
Contacts Report[For all Staff] Pull a list of student contacts & view missing information for parents, family, approved pickups, and emergency contacts!
Immunizations Records Report[For Admins + Managers] Learn how to pull reporting on student immunization records for the entire school, by room, or by student.
Immunizations Due & Overdue Report[For Admins + Managers] Learn how to pull reporting on upcoming and overdue student immunizations.
Learning Report[For All Staff] Easily pull a summary of student progress toward developmental milestones across any learning framework.
Meal & Meal Detail Report[For Admins & Managers] View total meals served, a breakdown of each type of meal (free, reduced or paid) and details on the food served.
Medications Report[For All Staff] Export a list of student medications based on their current room assignments and enrollment status.
Student emergency information Report[For Admins + Managers] Learn how to print Student emergency information cards to prepare for emergencies.