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Manage School Settings

[For Admins] Learn how to control how staff and guardians interact with brightwheel.

Sabrina avatar
Written by Sabrina
Updated over 3 months ago

A program's settings can be managed or altered by program Administrators from the web or mobile app. These settings control how admins, staff and student contacts interact with the program in brightwheel and can be modified at any time to best fit the program's needs!

This resource provides an overview of the available Check-in Kiosk, Learning, Parent Access, Staff attendance, and Payroll settings that are accessible on the web and on the app.

Access School Settings

On the Web

On the App

  1. Click the My School option on the purple sidebar to expand the menu

  2. Select Settings

  3. Jump over to the School Info tab

  1. From the Administrator Dashboard, tap School Profile

  2. Scroll down to the School Settings section

💡 After accessing the settings page, navigate to the appropriate section below for details on each setting.

Check-in Kiosk Settings

Administrators have the ability to set up their check-in settings in whatever way works best for the program. These settings are split into two distinct categories, Check-in Kiosk Settings and Attendance Settings.

Learn more about the options for check-in settings that are available in our Manage School Check-in Settings resource.

Learning Settings

Administrators can set up learning frameworks or state standards to be utilized when logging learning observations in the app.

Learn more about managing this setting from the web or app in our Setup Your Learning Standard or Framework resource.

Access Settings

These settings will influence how parents will interact with brightwheel in their account. It is beneficial to understand what these settings affect and how they can drive parent engagement!

Default Activities to Staff-Only

Some administrators prefer to approve staff-logged activities before sharing them with student contacts, which can be helpful when first using brightwheel. When this setting is ON, newly logged activities will default to 'Staff Only' and be visible only to internal personnel until an administrator has approved them.

However, when logging activities on the web, the 'Staff Only' option is not selected by default, regardless of this setting. It's recommended to guide staff on using this option to ensure they're following the program's procedures.

Parents can Edit Student Info

Allowing contacts with parent-level access to maintain, add, or edit information on their student's profiles can be a great way to keep the information up to date. This includes all information in the student’s profile under Personal Information, Address, and Student Contacts.

Some schools prefer to know when records are changing and would prefer to keep this privilege available to school staff only. It's up to program administrators to determine if this privilege is toggled on or off.

ℹ️ Learn about toggling this feature on/off from the Web and App by viewing our Parent Permissions to Edit Student Profiles resource.

Parent Directory

This setting can only be managed from the web and is toggled OFF by default. If desired, toggle this ON to allow parents to share and view contact information in a directory of all other parents of active students. Once enabled, parents will be able to view this directory of other brightwheel parents in the program in their account on the web and mobile app. Parents can also choose to opt out of sharing their information if desired

Parent can Add Activities

Student contacts that have been added as a Parent contact type may have the ability to add a photo of a student to the student’s feed using the mobile app. This allows contacts to share photos of activities, projects, milestones, and more! Once the photo is added, it will be viewable by school administrators, staff, and other student contacts.

Learn more about how parents can add, edit, and delete photos on their child's feed on the mobile app by viewing our Uploading Photos as a Parent resource

Payroll Settings

Payroll settings are only available to be modified by administrators on the web. These settings are primarily useful to administrators who are using brightwheel's staff check-in/out options to track payroll.

Pay Period

This setting is how timecards on the Time tracking page and timecards visible to staff on the mobile app will be grouped by default. If this setting is not turned on, timecards can be filtered using one of the existing options (Custom, Month, Week, All Time).

💡 If your program has multiple pay periods, choose the one that applies to most of your staff.

Manage this setting from the web by following the steps below.

  1. Click the My School option on the purple sidebar to expand the menu

  2. Select Settings

  3. Jump over to the School Info tab

  4. Scroll to the Payroll Settings section

  5. Click Set pay period

  6. Set the Pay period frequency using the available drop-down menu

    1. If selecting Weekly, set the Pay period start day

    2. If selecting Twice monthly - set the First pay period end day and Second pay period end day

    3. If selecting Bi-weekly - set when your Next pay period start date is

    4. If selecting Monthly - set the Pay period end day

  7. When finished, click Save

  8. Navigate back to this setting at anytime and click Edit to make changes

Staff Check in From Any Device

This setting determines whether staff can check in or out remotely. When enabled, staff can check in from any device logged into their staff account, including personal accounts. If disabled, remote check-in/out is not allowed, and staff must use a Check-in Kiosk or Quick Scan method if available.

Even if this setting is turned off, Admins and Managers will retain the ability to use Attendance mode for check-in/out.

To manage this setting, follow the steps below:

On the Web

On the App

  1. Click the My School option on the purple sidebar to expand the menu

  2. Select Settings

  3. Jump over to the School Info tab

  4. Scroll to the Payroll Settings section

  5. Toggle the Staff Check in From Any Device on, or off

  1. Log in to your administrator account

  2. From the Administrator Home screen, tap School Profile

  3. Under School Settings, tap Check-in Settings

  4. Under Attendance, toggle Staff Check in From Any Device on, or off (this setting is at the bottom of the page)

Auto Check Out Staff

The Auto Check Out Staff setting allows administrators to choose to auto-checkout staff that have accidentally stayed checked in. If the setting is toggled ON then these open time cards will automatically be closed with a Time Out set to midnight. This setting will help to prevent errors and confusion during staff check-in, and makes it easier to spot timecards that need updating.

Overtime Rules

Programs can customize overtime rules to accommodate when their work week starts and select if they calculate daily, double, or weekly overtime. Overtime is automatically calculated for staff on the mobile app.

The Week Start Day setting allows administrators to choose what day the program's work week starts for payroll so overtime can be easily calculated using the Time Summary Report. The start day defaults to Sunday, meaning weekly overtime is calculated based on a Sunday - Saturday week. To select a new day, click the appropriate day of the week from the drop-down menu.

Below are the different overtime types programs can customize in brightwheel:

Weekly Overtime

This is the amount of hours worked in a week that trigger overtime hours for staff.

If your program calculates overtime based on total hours worked in a week, turn ON the Weekly Overtime setting.

By default, working more than 40 hours per week will accrue overtime. To edit the total hours, click the pencil icon and type in the desired hours. Any hours worked in a week beyond these are counted as overtime.

Daily Overtime

This is the amount of hours worked in a single day that triggers overtime hours for staff.

If your program calculates overtime based on total hours worked per day, turn ON the Daily Overtime setting.

By default, working more than 8 hours in a single day will accrue overtime. To edit the total hours, click the pencil icon and type in the desired hours. Any hours worked in a single day beyond these are counted as overtime.

Daily Double Overtime

This is the amount of hours worked in a single day that triggers double overtime hours for staff. Double overtime hours will accrue for any hours worked per day beyond the chosen number.

If your program pays double overtime, click the pencil icon next to Double Overtime and enter the desired hours.

By default double overtime is turned off and only can be enabled if single daily overtime is enabled.

🚩 At this time, double overtime is not available for weekly calculations. Double overtime is available if your program calculates overtime based on the total hours worked per day.

Room Settings

Room Settings are available to be modified on the app as an administrator or staff. Every classroom is different and brightwheel knows that preferences vary by teacher. That's why we have empowered staff to set their Room Settings based on the preferences of those assigned to that room. Administrators will see all options available in the screenshot below and staff will see all besides the Student to Staff Ratio and Room Capacity options.

Learn more about the various options available to manage rooms at a program by viewing our Room Settings resource.

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