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Upload Photos as a Parent

[For Guardians] Learn how Parent contacts can upload photos of activities, milestones, and more!

Sabrina avatar
Written by Sabrina
Updated over a year ago

Parent contacts may have the ability to add a photo of a student to the student’s feed using the mobile app. This allows contacts to share photos of activities, projects, milestones, and more! Once the photo is added, it will be viewable by school administrators, staff, and other student contacts.

Parents can also edit/delete a photo once uploaded from the mobile app or web.

💡 If this functionality is not available, program administrators may not have enabled it. We recommend reaching out to an administrator to discuss this feature if this is the case for you.

Upload a Photo using Messaging

To upload a photo to share with a program Admin or Staff member, but not add it to the student's feed - attach it to a brightwheel Message!

Upload a Photo on the Mobile App

On iOS

On Android

  1. Log in to brightwheel on the app

  2. Open the appropriate student profile

  3. Tap the Add Activities OR Add Photo icon
    💡 If the program uses at home health screens, this option will say Add Activities and then allow you to select Photo. If they do not, it will only say Add Photo.

  4. Use the camera to capture a photo

  5. Click Use Photo

  6. Add an optional note if desired

  7. Tap Add Activity

  8. The uploaded photo will appear on the student's activity feed

  1. Log in to brightwheel on the app

  2. Open the appropriate student profile

  3. Tap the purple arrow icon on the bottom-right of the screen

  4. Select the Photo activity option

  5. Use the camera to capture a photo or choose one from your Library

  6. Click Use Photo

  7. Add an optional note if desired

  8. Tap Add Activity

  9. The uploaded photo will appear on the student's activity feed

ℹ️ At this time, Guardian uploaded photos will not be visible in the student's Gallery View.

Edit/Delete an Uploaded Photo

  • Parents can edit or delete a photo they uploaded from the web or mobile app.

  • Administrators at the program will also be able to edit and delete a photo uploaded by a parent.

ℹ️ There is not currently a way to modify the posted photo on the student's feed to display a name other than "Parent".

On the App

On the Web

  1. Log in to brightwheel on the app

  2. Open the appropriate student profile

  3. Locate and click the specific photo to be edited/deleted

  4. In the pop-up window, click Edit Activity or Delete

  5. If editing, update the time or note. Click Update Activity
    Please Note: Android users will first need to confirm the date in order to edit the time

  6. If Deleting, click Delete in the pop-up confirmation window to complete the request. Then click Delete again to confirm the action

  1. Log in to brightwheel on the web

  2. Click to open the My Children tab

  3. Select the appropriate child

  4. Select and open the Feed tab

  5. Locate and click Edit next to the photo

    1. If editing, make the desired changes and click Save
      Please Note: Edit options are limited to changing the date and adding an optional note

    2. If deleting, click the Delete Activity option at the bottom of the pop-up

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