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Manage your Profile

[For All Users] Learn how to update the information on your profile including your name, contact information, check-in code, and more!

Vee Avenir avatar
Written by Vee Avenir
Updated this week

All brightwheel users (Admins, Staff, and Student Contacts) will have their own brightwheel account and profile where they can update their information and preferences. This resource provides an overview of this profile and where to access this information in the app and on the web.

Access your Profile

On the Web

On the App

  1. Click the profile icon in the lower left corner of brightwheel on a web browser (or the upper right corner if you are viewing a small browser window)

  2. Select Profile from the pop-up menu

  1. Tap the ≡ icon in the upper left corner of the brightwheel app

  2. Hit Edit Profile

Add Profile Photo

All admins, staff members, and student contacts can add a personal profile picture if they prefer. This is particularly helpful when communicating back and forth with parents and staff members depending on the user type.

💡 View our Managing Profile Pictures resource.

Update Contact Information

Student Contacts

Student contacts can update their personal and contact information from their profile on the brightwheel app or on the web. The email, or phone number provided in your account is your username for logging into brightwheel. You can view your username by clicking the three horizontal lines on the mobile app, followed by Edit profile to view your listed email and/or phone number.

💡 View our Updating Student Contact Login Credentials resource to learn how to update your Email Address, Mobile Phone Number, Phone 1 (extra number on account), and Phone 2 (extra number on account).


Staff can update their First Name, Last Name, and Email Address from their staff profile. However, other fields listed on the staff profile, such as phone numbers, are only visible to and editable by program administrators.

💡 View our Updating Staff Login Credentials for steps to change this information.

Update Language

You can select between English and Spanish for your brightwheel experience as a Staff role or student contact. Student contacts can choose their language on both the web and mobile, while staff can do so on the mobile app. If the locale of the device you're using is Spanish, this will automatically be detected and display your account on the web and app in this language or you can manually manage your language prefrence in your Profile.

Please note that updating the language to Spanish will not translate messages sent using the Messaging feature in brightwheel at this time.

Edit Check-in Code

Every user with a brightwheel account has a check-in code assigned to them upon the account's creation. You will use this code to check in yourself if you are an administrator or staff member, or your child if you are approved to pickup as a student contact. All users can view and edit their 4-digit check-in code from within the brightwheel app!

💡 View our Edit Your Check-In Code resource.

Send Daily Report Email

Student contacts will see the option to subscribe to Daily Report Emails from their profile. Setting this option to "Yes" on the web or toggling ON in the mobile app will auto-send a record of a student's logged activities that day.

💡 View our Subscribing to Daily Reports resource.

Change Password

Brightwheel account holders can reset or update passwords at any time. Keep in mind that only the account holder will have access to change their password - administrators aren’t able to view or change passwords for staff or student contact accounts.

💡 View our Manage brightwheel Account Password resource.

Manage 2FA Preferences

Two-factor authentication (2FA) at sign-in is active for all brightwheel accounts! In brightwheel's 2FA sign-in process, you will be required to verify your identity using your login credentials and by providing a unique 6-digit code that is sent to your email address or phone anytime you need to log in. Users have the option to manage these 2FA settings from their profile on the web.

💡 View our Opt-out of 2FA at Sign-in resource.

Parent Directory Contact Sharing

If a parent contact's program has enabled the Parent Directory feature, the option to opt out of sharing information is available from the profile page.

💡 View our Parent Directory and how to opt-out resource.

Customize Notification Preferences

All users have the option to customize the notifications they receive from brightwheel. These notifications can be toggled on and off in the brightwheel app.

💡 View our Push Notifications resource.

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