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Opt-out of 2FA at Sign-in

[For All Users] Learn how to opt out of 2FA at Sign-in from your account on the web temporarily, indefinitely, and how to enable again

Sabrina avatar
Written by Sabrina
Updated over 7 months ago

Two-factor authentication (2FA) at sign-in is active for all brightwheel accounts (administrators, student contacts, and staff). We are strongly encouraging you to use 2FA as this is an important security feature that will improve and protect your brightwheel account and information.

With that being said, we understand there may be reasons you elect to opt-out of 2FA at sign-in for the time being, such as if you are using an older device to access the brightwheel app and cannot update the app to the newest version.

You do have the option to opt-out by completing the steps below on the web. Once you've opted out, 2FA will be disabled for sign-ins on the web and in the app.

Disable 2FA Temporarily

This option is intended for those who want protection, but need to disable it for a short period of time (1 hour or 1 day). For example, if you had an older device that you needed to get logged in to your account for the day, this device may not able to update to the newest app version so disabling 2FA for the day would help you get around this.

  1. Log in to your account on the web

  2. Click your profile tile in the bottom-left corner
    Please Note: If you do not already have an active account session, you may be required to log in first and will have to complete the 2FA at sign-in process in order to gain account access and complete the opt-out process.

  3. Select Profile from the menu

  4. In the 2FA section at the bottom of the page, click the Disable 2FA button

  5. Select 1 hour or 1 day, depending on how long you'd like to temporarily disable this protection

  6. Once selected, click the purple Disable Two Factor Authentication button

  7. Locate the verification code sent to your email address

  8. Input the code into the pop-up box to verify you are who is making this change

  9. Once verified, the page will reload and 2FA will be temporarily disabled
    NOTE: Once disabled, you will see a message in the 2FA section of the page that states when protection will resume and the button will update to say 'Enable 2FA' as shown in the image below.

After the temporary timeframe you selected expires, your account will automatically have 2FA enabled again!

Disable 2FA Indefinitely

If you'd prefer not to utilize this layer of account protection at all, the option to disable indefinitely is available to you as well.

  1. Log in to your account on the web

  2. Click your profile tile in the bottom-left corner
    Note: If you do not already have an active account session, you may be required to log in first and will have to complete the 2FA at sign-in process in order to gain account access and complete the opt-out process.

  3. Select Profile from the menu

  4. In the 2FA section at the bottom of the page, click the Disable 2FA button

  5. Select the 'Indefinitely' option

  6. Once selected, click the purple Disable Two Factor Authentication button

  7. Locate the verification code sent to your email address

  8. Input the code into the pop-up box to verify you are who is making this change

  9. Once verified, the page will reload and 2FA will be disabled indefinitely
    Note: Once disabled, you will see a message in the 2FA section of the page that states when protection was last disabled and the button will update to say 'Enable 2FA' as shown in the image below.

Enable 2FA after Disabling

If you have previously opted out of 2FA indefinitely, the option to enable 2FA again is available to you at any time!

  1. Log in to your account on the web

  2. Click your profile tile in the bottom-left corner
    Note: If you do not already have an active account session, you may be required to log in first and will have to complete the 2FA at sign-in process in order to gain account access and complete the opt-out process.

  3. Select Profile from the menu

  4. In the 2FA section at the bottom of the page, click the Enable 2FA button

  5. Locate the verification code sent to your email address

  6. Input the code into the pop-up box to verify you are who is making this change

  7. Once verified, the page will reload and 2FA will be enabled on your account again
    NOTE: Once enabled again, you will see a message in the 2FA section of the page that simply states 'Two factor authentication (2FA) is enabled' and the button will update to say 'Disable 2FA' as shown in the image below.

Want to learn additional details about 2FA at Sign-in? View the 'Login and Passwords' section of the Collection below.

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