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Administrator Home Overview (Web)

Learn how the tools on the Administrator Home on the web can benefit your program when getting started or during day-to-day management!

Sabrina avatar
Written by Sabrina
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The Administrator home page on the web was designed to be a one-stop-shop whether you're just getting started using brightwheel or need to view common occurrences and actions occurring at your program on any given day.

The onboarding checklist covers all the basic tasks needed to get your program successfully leveraging brightwheel, and each checklist item will direct you to the proper place in the product to perform the task.

The available widgets provide a glance into what's happening across the entire program and improve the ease of navigation to the most common areas needed in your account!

ℹ️ To learn more about the dashboard/home page available on the app, view our Administrator Home Overview (App) resource.

Getting Started

Across the top of the homepage, you'll see a brightwheel starter guide banner with various icons referencing vital steps to take when onboarding with brightwheel.

This is a simplified yet vital checklist for those programs just starting and acclimating to using brightwheel. This starter guide will help you:

Click on each icon to be directed to the area on the web you would complete this task. Once each action on the checklist is complete, this banner will disappear from the home page. This banner will not be visible if you have an existing account and have already completed these sections.

Current Room Ratios

Admins and Managers can quickly view Room Ratios for all rooms at the program from this widget on the web. All rooms, students and staff in the rooms, and real-time ratios will be displayed. Desired ratios can be updated on the app.

Click the widget header to be directed to the Room Check report that displays a different view of the same information, or click Launch Quick Scan to open the QR code on your device so student contacts and staff can check in and out!

💡Tip: Hover over the number of students/staff shown as being checked in to review specific names!

Today's Logged Activities

Admins and Managers can view a log of all Activities that have occurred that day in this widget. The widget will display total Activities, the room(s) the Activities occurred in, and individual labels for the type of Activity. Click View Details to be taken to the Activity Report to see a more detailed report of all activities logged in a room that day and use the available filters as needed.

Any Activities logged as 'Staff Only' that require admin approval before being posted to the student's Feed can be approved by following the guidance here from the Rooms List.

💡Tip: If there are students checked into a room(s) but no activities logged, you will see a button to Remind Staff in this widget that prompts you to message all staff in that room and remind them to log activities!

Upcoming birthdays

Quickly view a list of all upcoming birthdays within the next 30 days at your program! This glance can be helpful if you'd like to plan a celebration or send our happy birthday messages! As long as the staff member or student has their date of birth listed on their account, their upcoming birthday will be visible!

The Administrator dashboard will continue to be improved and make it even easier to quickly glance at all areas of your program right from the home page of your account!

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