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Assign and Remove Student's Rooms

[For Admins + Managers] Assign students to rooms, remove their rooms, and set a Homeroom.

Sabrina avatar
Written by Sabrina
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Assigning students to rooms helps track their activities across brightwheel features like reporting, attendance, etc. You can easily edit or switch classroom assignments directly from their profile. Students can be assigned to as many rooms as needed and can only move between rooms they are assigned to.


Additional Rooms

Assigning a Homeroom ensures students are checked in/out from that room by default, making check-in easy for parents.

For example, during check-in, a child will default to their Homeroom unless another room is selected.

These are all other rooms a student is assigned to. Students can be moved across any additional assigned rooms rooms, they can be checked in/out and parents will receive messages from these rooms.

ℹ️ Important notes

  • Admins and Managers can update room assignments, while Lead Staff can only modify assignments for the rooms they are assigned to.

  • Switching student room assignments simply changes the room(s) a student profile appears in and is different from checking a student into a room or using the Move Room feature for attendance.

On the Web

  1. Log in to your account on the web

  2. Click to expand My School and then select Students

  3. Locate and click the specific student's profile

  4. In the 'Rooms' box, click Edit

  5. Use the drop-down menus to add a new homeroom or additional other rooms

  6. Click X to remove any needed rooms from the 'Others' section

  7. When finished, click Save

💡You can also bulk update room assignments via rooms or student roster!

On the Mobile App

  1. From the Administrator Home, select Rooms

  2. Use the room dropdown to select the appropriate room

  3. Locate the applicable student's profile and click their name

  4. Tap Profile in the top right corner

  5. Click in the Homeroom field to select a homeroom or click in the Others field to add/remove rooms as needed

  6. Click Save when finished

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