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Admissions Dashboard

Use student statuses and programs to organize vital student information and achieve a holistic view of your Admissions pipeline.

Sabrina avatar
Written by Sabrina
Updated over 2 months ago

The Admissions dashboard will provide schools with a holistic view of students in their pipeline so that administrators can better understand their pipeline and take action based on this information.

Administrators can filter the dashboard by key characteristics to understand questions like: How many students are on the waitlist for the toddler program? Or How many students have a desired start date in the next two months? Admins can use this information to determine who to admit for available spots and better understand the demand for certain programs or at their center generally. 

ℹ️ To get the full benefits of the Admissions dashboard, please create and assign students to Programs.

Admissions Management

To get the most out of the Admissions Dashboard, there is specific enrollment and personal information that you will want to have set up in brightwheel and included in each Student's Profile. 

  • Programs - A program is any grouping of students by some common characteristic, most often by age group (Infants, Toddlers, 3-5) and/or by schedule (full-time, part-time, after-school, MWF).

  • Student Birthday - Because many schools use age to determine the placement of a student into a specific program, it's important to have student birthdays included in their Student Profiles

  • Student Status - Ensuring that student statuses are updated will help determine which programs have available space for prospective students. 

  • Date Submitted - This is the parents who submitted paperwork, found under Paperwork Date in the student's profile. 

  • Desired Start Date - The date the family would like the student to start to attend. 

Admissions Dashboard

Add New Students

While managing your admissions pipeline, programs can easily create new students profiles directly from the Admissions Dashboard with a Enrollment Status of Prospect, or Waitlist.

Filtering Options

The Admissions Dashboard can be filtered to view all your students. This enables administrators to filter all current and prospective students based on the information in their student profile. For example, an administrator could filter for all waitlisted students for their preschool program. 

The Dashboard will by default show students with an enrollment status of Prospect, Toured, Applied Waitlist, and Enrolled. If you no longer wish for a particular student to appear on this list, you'll want to change their status to either Active, Inactive, Graduated, Removed, or Duplicate.

Viewing Filtered Results

The results of the above filters will display in a convenient table. From here, administrators can view student contact by clicking the down arrow next to the student's name, updating the student's status, or going directly to the student's profile to add or modify personal information. 

Adding Admissions Notes

Administrators and managers can add notes regarding the student's enrollment status directly in the Admissions Dashboard by clicking the arrow next to the student's name. These notes will then appear in the student's profile under the Enrollment Details panel. 

Messaging Parents

You can also easily message an individual or all families needed from the Admissions Dashboard. For example, if you filtered by Program and wanted to message all families on the waitlist for the Toddler program, this is easily done!

  • To message individual families, click the message icon next to the student's row.

  • To message in bulk, use the check-box select option at the top of the results table and select Message Selected Families.

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