brightwheel Admissions Overview[For Admins + Managers] Gain an overview of brightwheel admission features to make student enrollment a breeze!
Admissions DashboardUse student statuses and programs to organize vital student information and achieve a holistic view of your Admissions pipeline.
Admissions packets[For Admins + Managers] Bundle multiple forms into a single packet that can be sent to families and completed in brightwheel digitally!
Waitlist & Priorities Management[For Admins + Managers] Learn to use Waitlists to manage program openings and who to admit for a particular program.
Send Messages for Prospective StudentsProviders can use brightwheel’s Admissions Dashboard to send messages for students who aren’t yet actively attending.
Programs[For Admins + Managers] Learn to manage students using programs to better understand enrollment, capacity, and project future resourcing.
Student Enrollment and Financial Details[For Admins & Managers] Learn how to track a student's enrollment history and family financial information from the student's profile.
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