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Deactivate brightwheel Account

[For all users] Learn how to request a brightwheel account be deactivated/deleted.

Sabrina avatar
Written by Sabrina
Updated over a month ago

An authorized email address or phone number can only be used for one brightwheel account at a time. This means at some point, you may need to have your account deactivated to join a new school as a teacher, transfer from a teacher account to a parent account, or maybe you accidentally created the wrong account type when you set up brightwheel.  It happens, and we are here to help!

How to Deactivate

ℹ️ If you are a school Account Owner, and currently use our Billing tool - all invoices and recurring plans must be canceled or completed before you can deactivate your account.

  1. Speak with a brightwheel Support Specialist advising you need your account deactivated/deleted. Be sure to provide the email, or phone number associated with the account.
    🚩 Once your account has been deactivated, you will lose access to your profile and historical data

  2. Look for an email from our team with the subject line "Deactivate your brightwheel account" with a link to follow. If your brightwheel account is not associated with an email address, this link will come as a text message.

  3. Click the Deactivate My Account link in the email

  4. Log in to the account you're attempting to deactivate

  5. Once logged in, click Yes, Deactivate My Account

  6. Once confirmed, a confirmation message will appear, and you will be auto-logged out of the account

That's it!  You have securely deactivated/deleted your brightwheel account, and your credentials are freed up to be used again should you wish to create a new brightwheel account. 

Common Account Management Scenarios

Guardian with an existing brightwheel account

Parent and Family accounts can be connected to an unlimited number of different programs using brightwheel, so there is no need to deactivate your existing account if you need to be signed up as a Parent/Guardian at a new school. If you need to connect your account to a new school, simply add your child's profile using the 10-digit invite code. Or, your new program can add you to the student profile(s) with the email or phone number associated with your existing account.

I'm a Guardian and a Staff/Teacher

This is a common scenario. Guardians who are also teachers will need 2 brightwheel accounts with 2 separate email addresses. We offer different levels of access for a teacher and a parent, which is why we require that they are different emails. As a teacher, you have access to all of the students in your classroom, whereas a Guardian, you can only access your child(ren). To learn more about easily switching between different account types, please visit our Using brightwheel as a Student Contact and Staff Member Help Center resource.

Program No longer Using brightwheel

We are sorry to see you go but happy you gave us a chance. If you'd like to cancel your subscription, start a conversation with our Support team and let us know how we can improve or if there is anything we are missing, and we will take care of shutting down your account. Deactivating an Administrator account alone will not cancel the school subscription. Please note that we require 30 days notice to cancel a Premium subscription. Additional details can be found in our Subscription Cancellation article and our Terms of Service.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I'm having issues deactivating my account. What should I do?

If you receive the error message "Sorry! Something went wrong. You are not authorized to access this resources." this means you are not logged into the account you requested a deactivation for. Please ensure you're using the correct email or phone linked to that account. To resolve this, log out of brightwheel and log back in with the account you wish to deactivate to complete the process.

Who can request a deactivation?

Typically, the owner of the email or phone associated with the account can request deactivation. However, there are a few exceptions:

  • Program Admins and Managers can request a deactivation for themselves, other staff, and student contacts

  • Staff, or Lead Staff can request a deactivation for themselves, but not for other staff/admin, or student contacts

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