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Save program rates & charges for quick invoicing
Save program rates & charges for quick invoicing

[For Admins + Billing Only Role] Learn to add and manage your program billing rates.

Sabrina avatar
Written by Sabrina
Updated this week

Providers can build a library of their program’s common charges and rates in brightwheel, like tuition, late pickup, and cleaning fees, so they can quickly add them to invoices without re-entering them each time. It’s an easy way to save time and keep billing consistent!

Your program charge library is easily accessible from the Billing > Library tab.

Types of charges

You can create two types of charges: Fixed Charge or Variable Charge. This helps accommodate the different rates and services you may have.

Fixed Charge

The most common type of charge, helpful for rates that don't change frequently such as tuition or registration fees. Fixed charges can be added to billing plans or processed as one-time fees.

Variable Charge

Helpful for rates that will change based on set attendance parameters, such as fees for after school care or late pickup.

These charges are processed as one-time fees, with amounts set based on time frames or specific days (e.g. $25 per hour for after-school care from 5-7pm). Learn more about this type of Attendance billing here.

Create fixed rates & charges

You can manually create Fixed Charges (e.g. tuition, cleaning fees) or upload a copy of your program rate sheet to automatically populate your program charges. When creating a Fixed Charge, you will be able to organize it into a category, note what the charge is and set a dollar($) amount.

💡Tip: If your charge library is empty, you can still begin creating billing plans immediately. Any rates or fees you include when creating a plan can be saved to your library for future use.

Create manually

If you only have a few charges to add, you can manually create each charge individually by taking the steps below.

  1. Log in to brightwheel on the web

  2. Select Billing in the sidebar menu

  3. Choose the Library tab, then Fixed Charges

  4. Click Create a new fixed charge > Create manually

Create automatically via rate sheet upload

If you have multiple charges to add, you can upload your billing rate sheet and we'll digitize it to save you time. This can be a files such a PDF, website screenshot, or Excel sheet showing rates like tuition and fees. Once uploaded, your charges will be added to your brightwheel library for future use—you can review and adjust them anytime.

Follow the steps below to upload your rate sheet and ensure everything looks correct.

1 Log in to brightwheel on the web
2 Go to Billing > Library > Fixed Charges
3 Click Create a new fixed charge > Upload a rate sheet
4 Upload your file > Click Next
5 Review, edit if needed, then click Finish

Create variable rates & charges

Variable Charges allow providers to charge families based on live student attendance for services like part-time care, drop-in care, and more. For additional guidance, see Charge based on attendance.

Create charge categories

Charge categories help organize your charge library by grouping similar rates and charges. This is useful for reporting, such as when you want to see the total amount received for the Tuition category.

Note: Once created, a charge category can not be edited or deleted.

  1. Log in to brightwheel on the web

  2. Select Billing in the sidebar menu

  3. Choose the Library tab, then Categories

  4. Click Create a new category

Edit a charge

You can edit the charges in your library at any time. Once edited, changes won't apply retroactively to posted or pending invoices and won't affect previous billing plans. The edited charge will only be reflected in future billings or one-time charges.

  1. Log in to brightwheel on the web

  2. Select Billing in the sidebar menu

  3. Choose the Library tab, then Categories

  4. Locate the charge that needs editing > Click the pencil icon

  5. Make changes and click Save to library

Delete a charge

Once a charge is removed from your Billing Library, changes do not apply retroactively to already posted or pending invoices and will not be removed from any previously created billing with that charge.

  1. Log in to brightwheel on the web

  2. Select Billing in the sidebar menu

  3. Choose the Library tab, then Categories

  4. Locate the charge that needs deleting > Click the Trashcan icon

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