With brightwheel’s Attendance mode, Administrators and Staff members can check students in and out through their own devices. Administrators and Staff can leverage the Share with Parents setting to determine whether these check-in records will be visible to student contacts, including Parents and Family members.
🚩 There are a few important callouts with the “Share with Parents” setting:
This setting will default to OFF for all users.
This setting only affects Attendance Mode in the brightwheel mobile app. All attendance records logged on the web will always be visible to guardians.
This setting is specific to each device and staff account, and is not a program-wide setting. Administrators need to check each staff member’s device when adjusting this setting.
This setting is separate from the “Default all activities to Staff Only” setting as that applies to activities such as photos, videos, food, etc.
Adjust Share with Parents Setting
Follow these steps below to locate the Share with Parents setting as an administrator or staff member.
As an Administrator
Log into the brightwheel app
Tap School Profile from the admin home screen
Click Check-in Settings
Scroll down to the Attendance section and use the toggle to turn the “Share with parents” setting on/off
Repeat for each Staff or Administrator device as needed
As a Staff member
Troubleshoot Attendance Visibility
If families cannot see a child's check-in and check-out attendance records, this most likely means the Share with Parents setting has not been turned on in each device used to log attendance.
Since this setting is specific to each device, if a record is marked as "Staff" it is a good sign this setting is causing the issue.
To resolve this:
Log into brightwheel on the web
Go to My School > Rooms
Click into a room
Toggle over to Feed
Use the “Activity Type” filter to view Check-in/out records
Use the “Staff Only” toggle to see only activities that were marked Staff Only
Review logged Attendance actions to identify which staff member logged those actions
Follow up with that staff member to ensure that the “Share with Parents” setting is configured correctly on their individual or shared device
Follow steps to Review and Approve Staff Only Posts to make historical attendance records visible to guardians