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Manage expense transactions

[For Admins] Learn how to upload receipts for, split, edit and delete your expense transactions.

Audrey avatar
Written by Audrey
Updated in the last hour

Once expense and income related transactions are added, providers can upload receipts, apply a business expense percentage, and modify or delete the transactions as needed. You can even split a transaction into separate amounts, allowing you to assign portions of the transaction to different categories.

Upload receipts

A PDF, photo or a screenshot of a receipt can be uploaded from your computer or mobile device and stored in brightwheel for future viewing. Receipts are limited to 10 MB in size.

  1. Log in on the web

  2. Select Expenses from the sidebar

  3. Click the Transactions tab

  4. Click Add under the 'Receipt' column

  5. Select a file, or scan the QR code to upload a photo from your mobile device

  6. Once uploaded, click Save

Split a transaction by expense category

There may be instances where you made a purchase that contains multiple expense types, such as buying classroom supplies and food in a single transaction. In this case, you can split the transaction to assign different amounts to different expense categories.

  1. Log in on the web

  2. Select Expenses from the sidebar

  3. Click the Transactions tab

  4. In the transaction row, click Actions > Split

  5. Click + Add Split as many times as needed

  6. Click Save when finished

Separate personal and business expenses

If a transaction contains both personal and business expenses, you can assign a "business expense %" to the transaction and this will ensure only the business portion of the transaction is counted in brightwheel.

To begin, ensure you've enabled the feature by customizing your expense settings, then follow the steps below to adjust transactions.

  1. Log in on the web

  2. Select Expenses from the sidebar

  3. Click the Transactions tab

  4. Select the checkbox next to the transaction(s)

  5. Choose Edit biz %

  6. Input the percentage of the business related amount

  7. Click Update

You can also add the business percentage when you edit the transaction by clicking Actions > View/Edit, then locate the "Business use %" box.

Edit transaction details

If you need to adjust the details of a transaction, you can always edit the description, source, amount, date, or category type. Please note, the source cannot be edited if the transaction was imported from a bank account.

  1. Log in on the web

  2. Select Expenses from the sidebar

  3. Click the Transactions tab

  4. Click Actions > View/edit in the transaction row

  5. Update the relevant details > click Save

Edit transactions in bulk

To edit the Category and Description for multiple transactions at once, click the checkboxes on the left side > Edit description or Edit category.

Delete transactions

Transactions can be deleted so they are not counted towards your total income or expenses in brightwheel.

  1. Log into brightwheel on the web

  2. Select Expenses from the sidebar

  3. Click the Transactions tab

  4. On the transaction row, click Actions > Archive

To delete multiple transactions at once, click the checkboxes on the left side > click Archive selected.

Export transactions

If you need a overview of all your transactions in a file form, you can download and print your list of transactions.

  1. Log in on the web

  2. Select Expenses from the sidebar

  3. Click the Transactions tab

  4. At the top, select Export transactions

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