Brightwheel's Expense Tracking feature works best when you sort your expenses and income into specific categories (E.g. Supplies, Rent, Donations). This streamlines reporting on specific spending and profit areas of your business!
Create categories
Providers can use brightwheel's existing categories or create their own to best match their program's primary spending and income areas.
Log into brightwheel on the web
Select Expenses from the sidebar
Click the Categories tab
Choose + Add category
Add information about the category
Click Save when finished
Create sub-categories
You can further organize your transactions by creating sub-categories within larger expense or income categories. For example, under the 'Payroll' category, you could establish sub-categories to track specific costs such as employee benefits, taxes, or wages.
Log into brightwheel on the web
Select Expenses from the sidebar
Click the Categories tab
Select Actions next to the category
In the drop-down menu, choose Add sub-category
Add information about the category and click Save when finished
Categorize transactions
Providers can categorize individual transactions or multiple in bulk.
Individual transactions
Log into brightwheel on the web
Select Expenses from the sidebar
Click the Transactions tab
Select the Category drop-down menu next to each transaction and choose the category
💡 If you don't wish to categorize a transaction, you can use the 'Uncategorized' label already created in your account.
Multiple transactions in bulk
Log into brightwheel on the web
Select Expenses from the sidebar
Click the Transactions tab
Select the checkbox next to each transaction, or click the top checkbox to select all on the page
Click Edit category
Select the new category and click Update when finished
Edit & delete categories
Log into brightwheel on the web
Select Expenses from the left side menu
Click the Categories tab
Select the Income Categories, or Expense Categories tab at the top to view categories based on the transaction type
Select Actions next to the category you wish to manage
Choose Archive to delete the category or Edit to update the category fields
How do I quickly identify any uncategorized transactions so I can categorize them?
How do I quickly identify any uncategorized transactions so I can categorize them?
From the Expenses > Transactions tab, click the Category filter at the top of the page and select the category 'Uncategorized expenses' or 'Uncategorized income'.
Once you've filtered the page, click the checkboxes next to the transactions to categorize them in bulk.