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Division of Child Care (DCC) FAQs

Kentucky Attendance Brightwheel Protocol for CCAP & Non CCAP Children

Sabrina avatar
Written by Sabrina
Updated over 2 weeks ago

🚩 If you are unsure you are following a process correctly, please email for support.

If you are a provider who does not have CCAP children enrolled in your program, or are collecting attendance for non-CCAP children, please review the following questions:



Which attendance reports can I use in brightwheel to satisfy licensing requirements?

We recommend using the brightwheel Check-in Report to demonstrate that you have check-in and check-out dates and times for all students attending your program.

Do I need to print out my attendance reports or can they be reviewed digitally?

Brightwheel’s Check-in Report can be reviewed digitally during a licensing inspection.

Are staff members able to check non-CCAP children in and out?

Yes, staff members can check children in and out of your program directly in brightwheel from either the Attendance tab in the mobile app or the Student or Rooms list on the web. To review check-in methods, please click here.

If you are a provider who has CCAP children enrolled in your program, please review the following questions.

General Questions



Should I still be using the paper DCC-94E, Child Care Daily Attendance form for CCAP attendance?

While it is ultimately your choice, the brightwheel Subsidy Attendance Report meets all of the conditions of DCC-94E and, if you have set up your account to collect guardian signatures at check-in and check-out, will be sufficient in the event of an audit for submission.

Do I still need to submit the provider billing form (DCC-97)?

Yes, you still need to submit the DCC-97 provider billing form.

If a student is absent for an entire week, do I still need to have the parent or guardian sign off for that week?

Yes. You should record an absence for each day that a child is not in your program and still have the parent or authorized caregiver sign the Subsidy Attendance Report at the end of the week.

Brightwheel Account Setup Instructions



How can I make sure that my brightwheel account is compliant?

Follow the instructions here, but ultimately confirm that you:

  • Add your license number in the License Number field in your School Profile

  • Enable and collect a signature at check-in and check-out

  • Use the Student Profile tab to mark “Yes” in the Subsidy field on each student who receives Subsidy payments through CCAP

What information needs to be added to my school profile?

On your school profile, programs must do the following:

  • Add your license number in the “License Number” field.

How do I set up my brightwheel account with the correct check-in settings?

Under the Check-in Settings in your School Info tab on brightwheel, you must turn on the Digital Signatures feature so that a parent or caregiver is required to sign during check-in or check-out.

How do I separate my CCAP and non-CCAP students in brightwheel?

While you do not have to separate your CCAP and non-CCAP students, it will be easier to use the Subsidy Attendance Report if you can filter for only students who receive Subsidy payments. Additionally, we understand that some providers would prefer not to send their non-CCAP attendance records if requested during an audit, which filtering allows for.

To separate your attendance records, on the Student Profile of each child who receives payment through CCAP go to the Financial Details section and mark “Yes” on the Subsidy field.

Using the Subsidy Attendance Report



How often should I run the Subsidy Attendance Report to review and collect weekly primary caregiver signatures?

After all check-ins and check-outs are completed for a week, please run the Subsidy Attendance Report for your CCAP students. Then, after reviewing that the information for each student is correct, request a signature and select the primary caregiver.

How do I run an Attendance Subsidy Report for a particular week?

In the Subsidy Attendance Report, which can be found in the Reports feature in your brightwheel account, a “Week” filter is available. Select the correct time period to run your report?

How many week are available in the Subsidy Attendance Report?

The Subsidy Attendance Report is available for 12 weeks, or 3 months, of weekly signatures.

How do I make sure all of my student records are included?

On the filters in the Subsidy Attendance Report, you can choose to clear the “Active” status from the Student Status. This will make sure it attendance records for students who may have since graduated or unenrolled from your program but have records for the selected week.

How do I run a Subsidy Attendance Report for only my CCAP students?

Once you are in the Subsidy Attendance Report, filter for “Subsidy” to only pull the records for students who have been assigned the Subsidy designation through their student profile.

Can I print my Subsidy Attendance Report?

While not required, some providers may choose to print this report for filing purposes. You can select Export, then Download to download a PDF of the Subsidy Attendance Report to your computer, which can be printed.

How does an authorized caregiver sign the Subsidy Attendance Report digitally?

Each week in the Subsidy Attendance Report, providers are able to request the signature from the authorized caregiver. Providers will select Request under the Weekly Signature header in the report, which will notify a parent that a signature is required.

How do I add a check-in or check-out with a missing signature?

Providers must work with the parent to have them check-in and check-out in real time with a signature. Then, the provider can use the Check-In Report to edit that manual check-in and check-out to update it to the appropriate date and time. Note that these updates will be collected in the audit log.

How do I download my Subsidy Attendance Report each week with a provider signature?

To record your signature each week to approve your Subsidy Attendance Report, select the week you would like in the date filter and then at the top, click “Export”. Check the box that says “Include digital signature”, write your name, and press “Download” so you have a time-stamped and signed report for your records

Submitting for an Audit



I received a request for an attendance audit by DCC - how can I submit brightwheel records?

Brightwheel allows you to send your attendance records via email directly from the brightwheel platform using the Subsidy Attendance Report. Find the required week that you will be sending, then:

  • Select Export

  • Check the boxes for Include Digital Signature and Include Attendance Audit Logs

  • Add as a recipient

  • Once added, press “Email to 1 person” or “Email to 2 people” if you would like a record of the email sent.

I received an audit for a date before I was using the brightwheel attendance features named above. Can I still submit my brightwheel information?

No - brightwheel information can only be accepted if it has the appropriate dates and signatures from families. Providers should use their paper records if the audit date is before they had parents signing Check-In reports in brightwheel.

All of my students who attended during the time period requested are not showing up in my Attendance Subsidy Report. Where are they?

You likely have the “Active” student filter turned on, which is only pulling in students who are currently enrolled and considered active in your program. Either remove the “Active” filter or include filters like “Graduated” and “Inactive” to include students who may not currently be in your program but have attendance records for the requested time period.

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