By ensuring information in your brightwheel account is up-to-date, you can seamlessly share information about the open slots you have in your program with parents looking for child care in Iowa’s new, online child care search application called Iowa Child Care Connect. To ensure an accurate reflection of your program’s desired/operational capacity and vacancies in Iowa Child Care Connect, also complete the monthly Data Collection Form sent via email by Iowa HHS on the first Monday of each month. (If the first Monday is a holiday, you will get the email with a link to the form on Tuesday.)
Updating Program Information on the Web
Navigate to School Settings by clicking the icon in the bottom left corner, where you should also see your profile photo, name, and program name.
At the top of the screen, select School Profile.
Update your program information, making sure you include:
School Name
Desired Capacity
Licensed Capacity
License Number
Press Save
Set & Adjust Student Enrollment Statuses
The number of students in your program will be determined based on students who are set to Active or Enrolled.
Students' enrollment statuses can be set on their profiles on the web or the mobile app. You can easily see which students are set to a specific status by going to My School, selecting Students, and then filtering by Student Status.
Update Student Status(es)
Navigate to the Student list. Filter students by status using dropdown under Student status or click X to remove a status filter.
On the Web | On the App |
Archive Student Profiles using Enrollment Statuses
Many programs need to retain access to records for billing, taxes, licensing, and other reporting purposes, and brightwheel understands how important it is to always have reliable access to data. With this in mind, deleting or erasing a student profile is not an option. Instead, student enrollment statuses can be used to organize and filter out archived students.
Administrators can change students' enrollment status to Inactive, Graduated, Removed, or Duplicate to archive them, preserving their data while separating them from active students by default when viewing rooms and student lists. Archiving won't remove contacts or affect their access automatically. It allows administrators to maintain data access and filter their view to active students.
We recommend archiving via the web platform for a smoother experience.
Log in on the web
Click to open the My School menu on the sidebar and select Students
Use the available filters to locate the applicable student and click their name to open their profile
In the Enrollment Details tile, locate the "Set Status to "Active" on Enrollment Date" checkbox and ensure this is NOT checked. If it is, click Edit, uncheck it, and Save.
In the School Details tile, click Edit
Update the Status to Inactive
Click Save
If the student has an active billing plan, a window will appear offering the option to delete the billing plan. Use the prompts to select the desired options and Delete plan
💡 If there is no option to delete a student's active billing plan while updating a student's status, please reference this article on how to delete a student's billing plan manually.In the Rooms tile, click Edit
Remove all assigned Rooms using the X
Click Save
[Optional] In the Contacts section, click Edit
Remove any needed student contacts
Click Done
Update Student Birthdate(s)
Student birthday information will be aggregated and used to determine the number of available slots you have in each child age group. To update a student’s birthday:
Navigate to My School and then select Students
Select the Student whose birthday you would like to update
In the Personal Info section, select Edit in the top right corner
Update the student’s birthday to include month, date, and year
Press Save
Determine Students Needing Birthday Information
To easily determine which students do not have birthday information captured in brightwheel, use the following instructions:
From Reporting, select Reports.
In the Student reports section, select Age Report.
Use the Student status filter to select Active and Enrolled students
Scroll down to find students with a blank birthdate.
Click on that student’s name to navigate to their profile to update their information.
View & Update Student Schedules
Ensure your student schedules have been entered into brightwheel in case your program has availability based on specific days of the week. Please note that brightwheel schedules can only be added or updated from the brightwheel web platform.
Log in on the web
Click to expand the My School section on the left-side menu
Select Schedules
Use the date switcher and Room filter at the top of the page to narrow down the results
💡 By default, the Schedule page will display the current week's schedule for all roomsToggle between the Week and Day view
💡 The Day view will display each shift record in addition to student-to-staff ratios
Add a New Schedule
Setting up a schedule for students and staff is easy and can be done individually or by grouping all students or staff with the same schedule.
ℹ️ Students and teachers can have multiple schedules for different times, on different days, and/or in different rooms.
Log in on the web
Click to expand the My School section on the left-side menu
Select Schedules
Click the + Student Schedule
Set the Schedule Type
Select the individual(s) from the drop-down or click the gray Add button to the right to quickly multi-select
Use the Room drop-down menu to apply schedules to specific rooms, if desired
Use the Repeat every week checkbox to set a multi-day recurring schedule or uncheck it to add just a single day
Set the Date(s), Start/End Times, and Days of the week to repeat the schedule if applicable
Add any relevant Description
💡 Staff will not be able to see any descriptions listedClick Save
💡 Creating a new schedule while viewing a specific room will automatically attribute the schedule to the viewed room, but this can be changed before saving a schedule.
Edit/Delete a Schedule
We know that schedules for students and staff can change often! In brightwheel, student and staff schedules can be edited or deleted at any time, for a single day or for the recurring schedule.
ℹ️ Please note, that there is no way to bulk delete student or staff schedules at this time.
Log in on the web
Click to expand the My School section on the left-side menu
Select Schedules
Click on the schedule block for the person and day that needs to be modified
Select Edit or Delete
Choose This single instance or This schedule
If deleting, click Confirm
If editing, update the schedule as needed and click Save