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Export Student Rosters from Other Systems
Export Student Rosters from Other Systems

Learn how to export student and family information from other systems to quickly import a roster into brightwheel.

Sabrina avatar
Written by Sabrina
Updated over a week ago

As an added service for new schools, brightwheel will import your existing student roster to save time and get you up and running faster.

If you are coming to brightwheel from another third-party system, please follow the relevant steps below to export your student information. No re-formatting is necessary, our team will take care of the rest!

Table of Contents


  1. Before exporting your ProCare file, please make sure that:

    1. Your student list is up-to-date, and only the currently active students have an enrolled status. Please see below for a list of the ProCare statuses we process and what we upload them as in brightwheel.

      Please Note: Brightwheel will only upload students with an active status. Any withdrawn students or those without a status will not be imported to your brightwheel account.

    2. Ensure that the Relationship Type boxes are checked for all of the contacts associated with the active students. It is important for us to know the type of contact because of the various contact permission levels.

  2. Open ProCare

  3. Click on the Family Data & Accounting tab (located on the top of the screen), then click on Reports and select Data Viewer from the drop-down

  4. Select Child Relationships, and on the right side of the screen, select today’s date in the As of Date field

    • If you do not see Child Relationships then click on Child Information (User Defined)

  5. Click Create towards the bottom right of the screen to generate the report

  6. Once the report has been generated, click the down arrow next to the floppy disk on the bottom left and select Export as CSV

  7. You may be asked to save the export with a name — we suggest you name it the name of your school. Once you name the export, save it in a location that is easy for you to find (like your desktop).

  8. Do not edit this export; any changes made to this spreadsheet before sending it to brightwheel may complicate our process of converting the file into a format that our system can process and can result in errors.

    The report should look like the image below:

Procare Connect

💡 Review ProCare Connect's specific help center article on this process here!

  1. Login to ProCare Connect

  2. On the left-hand side, go to Reports

  3. Scroll down, under Management, and select Students & Family

  4. Select Custom (All Fields)

    • If you do not see the Custom (All Fields) option in the dropdown, select all the fields manually (being sure to select student first name, student last name, room, and any parent name and contact fields)

  5. Click Generate Report

  6. The report will generate on the right side of Procare Connect, and then click to Download

    The report should look like the image below:

Lillio (formerly HiMama)

  1. Login to Lillio and open the Reports module

  2. Select the Child Profile section

  3. Scroll down to Filter data and select the Center, Classroom, and Status (choose Active) for which you want to export

  4. Select Generate Report, which will prompt the report to download as a .csv file (if you are unable to locate the file, check your Downloads folder)

    * Please note that you can only export one room of students at a time, so you will need to follow these directions for each room in your center, then submit them all to brightwheel one right after the other

  5. Save each report using the name of the classroom and how many classrooms you have. For example, if you have 5 classrooms and one of them is called Red, save the report as Red 1 of 5. Do the same for all five classrooms consecutively. This will help us ensure that we have all of your classrooms and that they are ready to be uploaded.

    Each classroom report should look like the image below:


  1. Login to Sandbox and select Admin Reports

  2. Click on Child Roster

  3. Select Export to Excel


  1. Login to SmartCare and select Reporting

  2. Select ONE of the following report types:

    1. Click on Children List (With Custom Fields), then select all fields that apply (please include child first and last name, homeroom, primary account owner and their contact information at a minimum)


    2. Click on Directory (Roster), then select all fields that apply (please include child first and last name, homeroom, primary account owner and their contact information at a minimum)

  3. Refresh the report

  4. Download this report as an XLS file

The Children List report should look like the image below:

The Directory (Roster) report should look like the image below:

Please Note: Sometimes in the SmartCare exports, the column headings may end up misaligned from the column bodies and column content may be merged. In this case, we can still accept the file.


  1. Sign in to Seesaw as an Admin

  2. Click on the Classes tab

  3. Click on the [...] button

  4. Click on Download CSV of Class Rosters

Childcare Sage

💡 Review Childcare SE's specific help center article on this process here (page 12)!

  1. Sign in to Childcare Sage

  2. Open the Report Screen from the main screen

  3. Click where it says Contact Report

  4. You will see a list of fields on the left side and a box that says Report Fields in the center. The fields will be listed in alphabetical order. We recommend you select the fields listed below, but you can click where it says “Add All”.

    • Address 1

    • Address 2

    • Birth Date

    • Category

    • City

    • Class Number

    • Enroll Date

    • Father

    • Father Cell

    • Father Email

    • Father Work

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Mother

    • Mother Cell

    • Mother Email

    • Mother Work

    • Notes

    • Pickup 1 Name *(there may be multiple)

    • Remarks

    • State

    • Zip Code

  5. Make sure that all of the fields are added to the Report Fields box by clicking the Add Field button

  6. Save as a CSV


  1. Go to the Students menu

  2. Select Student Reports or the Reports

  3. Select Families/Students from the left menu

  4. Choose Recommended, and then select the Student Detail Report.

  5. You can filter your list of students using any or all of the available Search Criteria and Jackrabbit will compile a report of students who meet ALL of the criteria chosen

  6. Click on Submit

  7. Click the three-dot More icon to export the data to Excel


  1. Login to LifeCubby and select the Active Parents and Guardians Roster

  2. Click Manage My Program, and run the report as an Excel spreadsheet

  3. Go back and select the Active Student Roster

  4. Click Manage My Program and run the report as an Excel spreadsheet

    Please Note: Our team needs both exports to be submitted. If you are not able to provide both, our team will at least need the active parent roster and we recommend allowing parents to edit child information in their brightwheel account.


  1. Login to Blackbaud and select Classes to open a dropdown menu

  2. Select the specific courses from within this dropdown menu, then select the Roster tab

  3. Click Run Roster/Student Reports and select the Course Roster report

  4. Export this report as a CSV, Excel, or Numbers file

  5. From Run Roster/Student Reports, you can also select the Emergency Contacts report

  6. Export this report as a CSV, Excel, or Numbers file


  1. Login to ChildWare

  2. Click Reports/Docs in the blue bar along the top of the screen and select Reports from the drop-down menu

  3. Select Child/Family Reports

  4. Click Print to save the report as an Excel file


💡 Review Dubsado's specific help center article on this process here!

  1. To export all of the existing clients, head to Utilities >> Address Book

  2. In the upper right, click Export and choose Email Addresses

    This will generate a CSV file that contains the following fields for all of your clients: Client First Name, Client Last Name, Phone Number, Email Address, Street Address Line 1.


  1. Open CuraCubby and click Simple Reports (on the left hand side)

  2. Click or search for Facility Roster

    • You may have two options; one reading ‘All Students’ and the other reading ‘Enrolled’

    • Click on the one that says ‘Facility Roster (Enrolled Students)’ and wait for it to process

  3. After it loads, look over the preview and make sure all of the information is correct and includes your student and parent names/information

  4. You can then download the report by going to the top right corner, under ‘Download formats’, and selecting the CSV or XLSX option


💡 Review QuickBook's specific help center article on this process here (under Export Excel Files > Customer/Vendor/Payroll list and transactions)!

  1. Login to QuickBooks

  2. Go to Reports

  3. Under the Sales and Customer section, select Customer Contact List

  4. Note: You can modify this report by selecting the three vertical dots (⋮) icon, then Customize

    1. Under Rows/Columns dropdown, select Change columns

    2. Add your desired columns — make sure to include the name of the student, the name of the parents and their contact information

    3. Then select Run Report

  5. Select the Export icon next to the Print icon, then choose Export to Excel

The report should look like the image below:


  1. Navigate and click on the Students tab under My School.

  2. To select which columns you would like on your export, you will need to click on the settings icon on the right-hand side below the ‘Filters’ tab.

  3. When you click on the settings icon, you will want to ensure that you display all your applicable columns by toggling the field next to the column name.

    • IMPORTANT: Please make sure that you toggle on the student first name, last name, and class fields, as well as the ones for parent names and parent contact information (email and/or phone number).

    • When the toggle is green, it means the column is enabled and will display on your export.

    • When the toggle is gray, it means that the column is disabled and will not display on your export.

  4. Once you are done selecting all of the applicable fields, click the settings icon to close the menu and click on the blue Download view button above the gray heading bar. You will be prompted to select which columns you would like to download the data for in the Export data window.

  5. You have the option to select all the fields you have information for in your Playground account, or only the selected columns you enabled on the settings icon previously that are currently showing on your dashboard. Once you have selected the proper data you would like to export, click Download. You will see your .csv file at the bottom of your screen.

Early Learning Ventures

  1. Login to your Early Learning Ventures account

  2. Click on Reports on the left hand side bar and click on Reporting

  3. Select the Active Children Report

  4. Once you have your report open, you will see a drop down for Report Format

    1. Click the drop down and select Character Separated Value (CSV)

  5. If your organization has more than one school, click on the Provider drop down and select the location you want to export for

    1. Note: You will need to repeat this process if you want to export for your additional locations

  6. On the right, you will see Room. Select this dropdown and make sure your rooms are correct for your location. Then, select All to ensure all students and homerooms are pulled over to your report

  7. Download the report by going to the bottom right corner, and clicking the blue button that says Report


  1. Login to your WonderSchool account

  2. Click on School Management on the left hand side bar

  3. Click on Family and Contacts

  4. On the right hand side, click the Download button


  1. Login to ChildPlus from the Web (online) version, rather than the App version

  2. Click on the Reports tab

  3. Select report 2110 - Master List of Participants

  4. Click View

  5. Click the Export Icon in the top right hand corner

  6. Choose XLSX or CSV

Other System

  • Unfortunately, we do not have instructions for systems other than the ones listed in this article. We suggest you contact that system's support team to obtain a spreadsheet containing at least students’ names, homerooms, parents’ names, and contact information.


If you are taking over a school that already used brightwheel previously, the roster from the previous provider can be exported and then uploaded to the new account.

💡If you do not have access to the old brightwheel account yourself, we recommend contacting the previous owner to follow steps 1-6 so they can get the export sent to you. Please note that any students with a Removed, Withdrawn, or Graduated status will not be uploaded to the new account.

  1. Log into the old brightwheel account

  2. From the menu on the left, click My School and then select Students

  3. Click on the Export Roster in the top right corner

  4. Under Select recipients, select or add the email address(es) the export should be sent to

  5. Click Send
    💡If your school is large, the roster may take a few minutes to arrive.

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