The Admissions Dashboard allows providers to track interest, enrollment, and availability in their program or programs. Within the Admissions tab, administrators are also able to send messages for prospective students. This allows administrators to communicate efficiently with parents, share information about the enrollment process, and answer any questions that may arise from parents - all within the brightwheel Messaging tool.
Filter for Students
The Admissions Dashboard has several customizable options for filtering and sorting prospective students. Providers can these following filters to display a narrowed-down student list, or leave the filters blank to display all students, regardless of current enrollment status. Using filters can help providers to find and message students with specific status, for certain programs, within a specific age range, or within a range of desired start dates.
Send Messages for Students
Through the Admissions Dashboard, administrators can also send brightwheel messages for all students individually or in bulk, regardless of their current enrollment status. Messages sent through brightwheel will be visible for all Parent contacts added to the student’s profile. Just like sending messages for active students, these messages will be sent through the brightwheel platform and available for parents to view through their brightwheel account on the app or on the web.
Keep in mind that while brightwheel messages aren’t delivered to parents via email, administrators do have the option to send Alerts, which will deliver an SMS/text message for Parents who have mobile numbers added to their contact info.
Log in to brightwheel, and open the Admissions tab
Use the Admissions filters or the Search students field to locate the desired student or students
To send a message for multiple students, use the checkboxes to the left of each student's name to select all applicable students.
Click the Message Selected Families button
Select the Message Type, and enter in the content of the message
Optionally, use the + Add File to attach a file to the message
Review, and press Send Message once complete