Manage Push Notifications for Staff

[For all Staff] Staff and admins can customize their notification settings within their brightwheel app.

Audrey avatar
Written by Audrey
Updated over a week ago

Staff and admins have the option to enable push notifications in brightwheel. This resource will cover the type of notifications they can receive and how to enable them in their brightwheel app and their device settings.

Types of Notifications

Staff, Manager, and Admin Notifications

Admin Only Notifications

  • Parent Messages - New messages from parents

  • Staff Messages - New messages from staff

  • Activity Reminders - Reminders set by staff and/or admins to log activities for students

  • Product Updates - Messages from brightwheel regarding important product updates; these notifications are very rare

  • Customer Support Replies - Notifications when brightwheel’s customer support team replies to an inquiry

  • New Customer Support Chat - Notification when brightwheel’s customer support team reaches out directly

  • Parent and Admin-Only Messages - New messages from parents in the Admin/Parent private message thread

  • Ratios - Alert that a room has exceeded its maximum staff/student ratio

  • Failed Health Screens - Alert that a student has failed the health screen at check-in

Admin View: Staff View:

💡 It is highly recommended that both Messages notification options remain enabled to ensure good communication between the staff and student contacts.

Badge Notifications ↓

Staff can also receive badge notifications on the app icon indicating when there is a new, unread message. Once the app is opened, the badge notification will disappear.

Device Notification Settings

Android and iOS devices allow users to limit general notifications from specific applications, while the application provides more granular options. To adjust notification settings from the device itself (these steps may vary by device):

  1. Open your device Settings

  2. Tap on Apps & Notifications

  3. Pick brightwheel from your list of applications and tap on Notifications

  4. Allow push notifications by toggling with the switch on

App Notification Settings

Brightwheel enables staff and admins to configure which items result in a push notification. This allows them to stay engaged while limiting the number of notifications received throughout the day.

iOS App Notification Settings

Android App Notification Settings

  1. Log into the brightwheel app

  2. Tap the three horizontal lines in the top left corner, and select Edit Profile

  3. Scroll down to toggle on/off push notifications for each update type as desired

  4. Tap Save

  1. Log into the brightwheel app

  2. Tap the three horizontal lines in the top left corner, and select Settings > Notifications

  3. Scroll down to toggle on/off push notifications for each update type as desired

  4. Tap Save

ℹ️ Push notifications default to On when an account is created.

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