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[For Admins + Billing Only Role] Learn how to issue, apply, unapply, and adjust or void credit's on a student's billing account.

Sabrina avatar
Written by Sabrina
Updated over 4 months ago

Credits are independent transactions that reduce a student's account balance. Unlike charge adjustments, credits stand alone and directly reduce the payer's owed amount, streamlining administrative tasks.

ℹ️ When guardians pay more than the balance owed, their account balance will reflect an automatic credit. If there is a credit on the account due to an overpayment, once a new charge assigned to the payer is posted,

the charge will reduce the amount of the credit first, before requiring payment from a parent's payment method.

When to Issue a Credit

Credits are useful when you need to reduce a student's account balance, but you do not want to issue a refund. Consider issuing a credit in the following scenarios:

  • Tracking starting balances when transferring to brightwheel from another system

  • The program doesn't charge a family for vacation time

  • The program is closed for a holiday

  • A referral bonus is offered to families who refer others to the program

  • The program has a temporary, unexpected closure

  • The administrator needs to apply a student's security deposit to their final invoice

  • The program offers a scholarship that reduces the amount of tuition owed by a family

🚩 Issuing a credit does not refund money to the payer's original payment method. You will need to take steps to issue a refund if you wish to return the money to the payer, instead of issuing a credit. You can learn more about issuing a refund in our Help Center.

View Credits

View Available Credits

Providers can view a students' available credits that have not been applied to an invoice.

  1. Navigate to the Billing page on the web

  2. Click on a student to view their billing profile

  3. Under their Current activity tab, click Available credits & payments

View Voided & Applied Credits

Providers can view voided credits, or credits that have not been applied to an invoice.

  1. Navigate to the Billing page on the web

  2. Click on a student to view their billing profile

  3. Select the All transactions tab

  4. Click into the Credits & payments tab

Issue a Credit

If you prefer not to issue a refund, or apply a discount, you can use a credit and apply it directly to a student's account (not a specific payer). Credits issued by the provider will automatically apply to the next invoice for the primary payer, or you can opt to manually apply the credit to any unpaid invoices.

  1. Navigate to the applicable student's billing profile
    💡 Open the Billing page from the sidebar, jump to the Students tab, and select the student's name!

  2. Click the Select an action drop-down menu, then choose Add a credit

  3. Enter the Credit amount

  4. Select a Reason from the drop-down menu or type in the text box to create a new one

  5. Any add Notes

  6. [Optional] Manually apply the credit to an open, posted invoice by typing the credit amount in the Amount applied field

  7. Click Save & apply

Apply & Unapply a Credit to an Invoice

Apply a Credit to an Invoice

Providers can manually apply a credit to an invoice themselves from the child's billing profile!

  1. Navigate to the applicable student's billing profile
    💡 Open the Billing page from the sidebar, jump to the Students tab, and select the student's name!

  2. Under the Current activity tab, open the Available credits & payments tab

  3. Locate the applicable credit and click the Actions menu on that row

  4. Select Apply to invoices

  5. In the Amount applied field, add the credit amount to apply to an open invoice

  6. Click Save & apply

Unapply a Credit to an Invoice

  1. Navigate to the applicable student's billing profile
    💡 Open the Billing page from the sidebar, jump to the Students tab, and select the student's name!

  2. Jump to the All transactions tab

  3. Locate the invoice the credit was applied to and click the Actions menu on that row

  4. Select View / Edit

  5. Under Charges & payments, locate the credit and click the Actions menu on that row

  6. Select Unapply

  7. Click Yes, unapply transaction

The credit will then be unapplied from the invoice and will be visible under the Available credits & payments tab on the student’s billing profile.

The credit will be available for admins apply this credit to another posted invoice or it’ll apply automatically to the next posted invoice for the primary payer on the account. Unapplying a credit is not the same as a refund and it will not return the funds to the payers original payment method.

Adjust a Credit

  1. Log in on the web

  2. Open the Billing page

  3. From the Students page, select the applicable student's name to open their billing profile

  4. Jump to the Available credits & payments tab

  5. Locate the credit and click Actions to display options

  6. To adjust a credit, click View/Edit

    1. Make adjustments to the Credit amount, Reason, or Notes

    2. When finished, click Save & apply

  7. To delete a credit, click Void and then Void once more to finalize the action

Void/Remove Credits

If you need to remove the negative balance (aka credits) off a student account, you can Void the credit.

Credits can be voided if it is a stand-alone amount issued by the provider and it has not been applied to an invoice. Voiding a credit will remove the credit amount from the users billing profile and will not refund the credit amount to payer's bank account since it was added by the provider.

  1. Log in on the web

  2. Open the Billing page

  3. From the Students page, select the applicable student's name to open their billing profile

  4. Jump to the Available credits & payments tab

  5. Locate the credit and click Actions to display options

  6. Click Void and then Void once more to finalize the action

ℹ️ If the credit was added because a payer made a one-time payment online, the credit cannot be voided and must be refunded, or applied to an open invoice.

Refund Credits

Refunding a credit will return the credit amount either back to the original online payment method, or a different offline method. Steps to refund a credit differ depending on how the credit was added to the account, as outlined below.

Refund a credit added by a payer making a one-time payment

If you need to refund the credit amount added by the payer making a one-time payment, you can only do so only if the credit was added because a payer made a one-time payment online and the credit was not applied to an invoice.

  1. Navigate to the student billing profile

  2. Click Actions next to the credit

  3. Select Refund to return the payment to the payer.

Refund a credit issued as a stand-alone amount by the provider

If you need to refund a credit amount added by the provider issuing a stand-alone credit and there are no open invoices to apply the credit to, you will need to apply the credit to a old invoice before you can make a refund. Credits issued by the provider can only be refunded if connected to a online payment via a invoice.

To start you'll need open an old invoice and issue a refund on that invoice for the EXACT credit amount you'd like to send back to the payer.

1. Go to the All Transactions tab in a student’s billing profile

2. Select the Credits & Payments tab under All Transactions History

3. Click the Actions drop-down menu next to the payment that needs to be refunded and select Refund

4. Indicate the amount to refund (this will be the total credit/negative balance)

6. If issuing a partial credit refund, adjust the default refund amount to the amount you’d like to send back to the parent

7.Select a Refund method and a Reason for the refund

Once the refund has been issued, the funds will be returned either back to the original online payment method, or a different offline method. You'll now need to ensure the old invoice you just reopened has been marked as paid and closed:

1. Go to the student's billing profile

2. Go to the Available credits & payments tab

3. On the payment for the old invoice, press Actions

4. From the drop-down, select Apply to invoices

5. Under the Amount applied column, type in how much of the payment should go towards the invoice (this will be the total credit/negative balance you want to remove/refund)

6. Press Save & apply

7. Once you press Save & apply, the invoice will then show as Paid under the All Transactions tab.

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