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Student Billing Account Overview
Student Billing Account Overview

[For Admins + Billing Only Role] Learn how to navigate around a student's Billing account

Dominique M. avatar
Written by Dominique M.
Updated over 4 months ago

We've made it easier for admins to navigate sections of a student’s billing profile by introducing new tabs within the profile — this gives admins quick access to the information they need easily. Each tab you will see is outlined in its own section below.

Current Activity

This is the main tab that admins will work in — it includes a student’s account balance and any “Open” transactions that contribute to that account balance.

The current account balance includes open invoices that have not been fully paid, as well as any credits or over-payments/unapplied payments that have not yet been attributed to an invoice. Open invoices, less available payments/credits will equal the account balance.

The table below the current account balance shows admins the details of those same transactions. Open Invoices shows details of the specific invoices that haven’t been paid. Available Credits and Payments shows details of the specific credits and/or payments that have been applied to the account, but not to a specific invoice. Note: available credits & payments will automatically be applied to the next invoices that post, so admins don’t have to take action.

Resolving open transactions would result in a $0 account balance.

  • Invoice actions include: View/Edit, Pay invoice, Void invoice

  • Payment actions include: View/Edit, Apply to invoice, Void, Refund

    • Only offline payments can be edited or voided

  • Credit actions include: View/Edit, Apply to invoices

Open Invoices Tab

If you are using our newest Subsidy experience, you can filter the Open Invoices information using the Payer type dropdown. The filter options are: All payers (default), Private paters, or Agency payers.

Available Credits & Payments Tab

If you are using our newest Subsidy experience, you can filter the Available credits & payments information using the Payer type dropdown. The filter options are: All payers (default), Private paters, or Agency payers.

Upcoming Invoices

From the Upcoming Invoices tab, admins will see the invoices that have been generated from billing plans but have not yet been posted. We will show the next four invoices per billing plan. If using our Subsidy tools, you can filter the Available credits & payments information using the Payer type dropdown. The filter options are: All payers (default), Private paters, or Agency payers.

Admins will be able to edit these invoices before they post. Learn more about editing invoices.

All Transactions

The All Transactions tab shows all transactions — invoices, payments, and credits — both open and closed. This serves as a record source for admins (parents will have a similar view). Admins can export transactions from here as well.

  • Invoice actions include: Pay invoice, Void invoice, View/Edit

  • Payment actions include: View/Edit, Void, Apply to invoices, Refund

    • Only offline payments can be edited or voided

  • Credit actions include: View/Edit, Apply to invoices

If you are using our newest Subsidy experience, you can filter payment information using the Payer type dropdown. The filter options are: All payers (default), Private paters, or Agency payers.


The Statements tab shows all statements. Statements are generated automatically on the first of the month and are posted here. They include all transaction activity within the month at the charge level.

Account Details

This tab is where admins can manage all billing plans at the student level. They can create and edit, pause, resume or delete multiple billing plans. We show both active billing plans and inactive billing plans. All payers and payment methods can be viewed from here as well. They can also manage payers on the student's account and update the primary payer for the student. The primary payer by default is the assigned payer for all invoices.

Parent contacts will automatically be added as payers on student billing profiles. However, if a Family contact, Approved Pickup contact, or Subsidy Agency should be a payer you can add them as a payer on the Account details tab of the student's billing profile.

Under the Payers section click + Add Payer, select the checkbox of the payer you'd like to add, and press Add. This will allow the contacts to submit payments for the student.

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